There’s no question that technology has facilitated the transfer of information in a much quicker and simplified fashion. This has allowed companies to become global while more connected at the same time. Data that once could have taken days to be received is now sent in minutes or even seconds.
IBM Sterling MFT Solution
However, when choosing how to send files, it’s important to know that not all file transfers methods are created equal. Sending data through an email attachment or through a FTP will not offer the same benefits as a cohesive managed file transfer solution, such as the IBM Sterling managed file transfer solution.
Why consider a managed file transfer solution? Here are the top five reasons:
Encouraging Supply Chain Growth:
As your supply chain grows and you add more trading partners, you will exchange more files. When using FTP, there are a wide number of concerns, including challenges around security and trading partner onboarding. It might take weeks to onboard a new partner for file transfer when using FTP. This will delay business progress and require time from valuable resources. Managed file transfer solutions can standardize the process, improving the speed and ease with which partners can be onboarded and conducting business with you electronically.
A More Uniform Process:
When there are automated and encrypted data transfers along with unmanaged transfers, you have a complex and chaotic system that IT cannot easily control. A managed file transfer solution streamlines processes, is able to centralize unmanaged file transfers to a more secure framework and provides visibility for easier tracking. This creates a clear, unified system that will make file transfers much easier to manage.
Compliance Issues Will Be Met:
Because file transfers often include personal information, there are regulations in place to help ensure this information does not get in the wrong hands. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates standards around sending and receiving healthcare information, such as electronic health records (EHRs). Managed file transfer software can ensure secure and safe transfer of these files and, therefore, plays a critical role in ensuring HIPAA compliance.
Safe Harbor Certification:
As companies become global and information crosses borders, transborder file transfer issues come into play. With this in mind, countries from all over the world are regulating data transfer to avoid security breaches when personal information is exchanged. In the US, there is the US-EU Safe Harbor program, which has helped to bridge the privacy standards gap among the US and countries in Europe to make business dealings easier. This is achieved through the seven principles of the program: notice, choice onward transfer, access, security, data integrity, and enforcement. Managed file transfer software can help your organization achieve these principles as it provides advanced security capabilities on all data transfers and prevents the data loss that can occur with FTP.
More Data Can Be Sent:
Finally, there’s the sheer advantage of greater output. With some managed file solutions, such as IBM Sterling Connect: Direct, you can send files up to 400% quicker and increase the number of files you can send in all. This will free up bandwidth, reduce costs, maximize output and improve overall efficiency and productivity.
Managed File Transfer Solutions
In an increasingly complex and globalized business climate — one that involves greater data transfer volume while requiring sharp adherence to privacy and compliance standards — businesses need a solution that addresses all of these concerns. A managed file transfer solution can be an essential part of the equation.