
E-Book: 7 Important Reasons to Start Consolidating Multiple Instances

Written by Eliassen Group | Nov 21, 2022 5:00:00 AM

As more organizations adopt Agile practices and choose tools that help keep them Agile, the ideal scenario is to have as few instances as possible, which reduces the number of licences and infrastructures, while keeping costs low.

Ideal scenarios, however, are few and far between. For example, many teams within an organization may be using Jira and Confluence, but their instances may have different configurations. This can result in misalignment in processes, problems with reporting, and extra work in general. And if you are considering moving to the cloud, there’s no way around it – you will need to consolidate multiple instances.

In their e-book “7 Important Reasons to Start Consolidating Your Instances and How It’s Done,” our partners at Valiantys, the leading global consulting and services firm dedicated to Atlassian, walk you through preparing for a consolidation. This involves regrouping different instances of Jira or Confluence on one single infrastructure, and their steps include the following:

  1. Estimate TCO/ROI
  2. Scope your project
  3. Plan ahead
  4. Identify gaps and risks
  5. Choose the right path
  6. Clean up
  7. Communicate

We invite you to download the eBook and learn more about the consolidation of Jira applications on the Valiantys blog.

We would also be happy to answer your questions about consolidating your Jira and/or Confluence instances or discuss our Agile consulting services or cloud services consulting. Reach out today: